Your Word

Wed, Nov 16, 2011

Credit Repair, Lifestyle, News, Renee Says

Your Word

Your word is the only thing in this life that you actually own.

I was thought that as a little girl.

Your circumstances may change but your word is what last.

I recently had a conversation with a friend about a problem.

I was venting about what was going on.

My friend volunteered to help me out with the situation.

The day I needed my friend they were no where to be found.

Instead of saying that they would help they should have just said no!!!

Once you give your word you should honor that word.

It bothered me because when my friend needed me I was their for them.

I realized their word really didn't mean anything.

It got me to thinking about your word.

When you give your word people expect you to follow through with your word.

No matter if you get upset.

When you cannot keep your word you should let the person know that you are unable to fulfill your word at this time.

Your word is what people know you by.

Your word is your conversation, not just the words that come out of your mouth but your actions as well.

If you never keep your word you're considered a liar.

Whenever you say something people have the mindset that I will believe it when I see it.

This results from you not keeping your word.

If you always keep your word you're considered to be trustworthy.

For some reason you didn't show up people will know that something had to happen for you not to keep your word.

This holds true for your word at the work place.

When you give your word at work your supervisor knows whether or not to expect the project to be done.

This how you get promotions and raises on your job.

When you're a entrepreneur your customers go by your word to get the work done.

Whenever you can't get things done you should let your clients know.

When you don't your clients lose faith in your word.

You can ultimately lose clients from not keeping your word.

Daily your word should matter.

Letting pride get in the way of communicating that you can't do something.

Only makes people not trust your word.

When it comes to your credit; before the credit score lenders went by your word and references that you would pay your obligations.

Now your credit report is apart of your word on whether you will pay your obligations.

Yes, sometimes circumstances are out of your control.

Divorce, death, and job loss can cause you not to be able to keep your word when it comes to your credit.

You should let your creditors know as soon as possible that you're unable to meet your obligations.

This helps you keep your word.

These are just a few examples of how your word comes into your daily conversation.

Remember that you are YOUR WORD.

What does your word say about you???

Your financial coach,

Renee Lawson

Recommended Resources:

FREE Video reveals one amazingly simple thing you can do to increase your credit score. Check out the video at

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