Taking Ownership of Your Mess

I was reading a daily bible study devotion called living the surrendered life.

Taking Ownership of Your Mess

Taking Ownership of Your Mess

It talked about taking ownership of your sins.

It got me to thinking about taking ownership of your mess.

The mess I'm talking about is your financial situation.

This week I had a client to get upset with me because I wouldn't call their debtors to see what

options were available.

Part of the process of me helping you to get your finances in order is for you to take ownership

of your financial mess.

Avoiding the situation doesn't make it go away.

Having someone else deal with it for you doesn't teach you responsiblity.

By taking ownership of your mess you are likely not to put yourself in the same financial situation.

Taking ownership of your mess is more than admiting that you have a problem.

Taking ownership of your mess is accepting your mess.

Pride can get in the way of you taking ownership of your mess.

When we are unwilling to ask for help or accept help when it is available is an act of pride.

No matter what you do if you are not taking ownership of your mess your situation is not going to change.

Taking ownership of your mess from past or present relationships.

You have to own up to the part you played in the relationship.

Taking ownership of your mess is knowing  your credit score.

Not getting a copy of your credit report will not make your low score go away. (Credit Report)

Taking ownership of your mess takes being honest with yourself.

The biggest lie you can tell is the one you tell to yourself.

You must ask yourself some questions:

Do you find that you dodge responsiblites of your actions related to your finances?

Do you blame others for your financial mess?

Are you taking ownership of your mess???

Your Credit and Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson


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