Striking Out
Today I was out walking in my neighborhood.
I saw a little boy who was at bat.
His mother was slow pitching to him.
I could see him swing hard at the ball and miss. Strike one.
She pitched again. Swing and a miss. Strike two
As I continued my walk and this boy was out of my sight.
I heard the crack from the aluminum bat.
There was no striking out for him during that at bat.
It got me to thinking about times in life we keep striking out.
Striking out by not living by a budget.
Budgets help us stay on the field.
We are striking out when we live by credit cards.
Whenever our lifestyle is funded by a credit card we are out of touch with realty.
At any point striking out is possible with layoff, job loss, divorce, or illness.
Going to the checking cash place is striking out with our finances.
This a vicious cycle to end.
Many times when you pay the money back you need it right then to keep going.
Thus striking out happens ever paycheck.
Writing checks that we know that we don't have the money is striking out with overdraft fees.
Bank don't mind charging you fees, it's how they become profitable.
We're striking out in our marriages when we fail to communicate about our finances.
Before you walk down the isle there needs to be communication on your views and goals when it comes to finances.
Striking out occurs when we fail to save in a life happens fund.
We never know when the car will break down or the hot water heater will go out.
Saving something each paycheck will keep you from striking out.
When we are unable to forgive others we are prone to striking out in other relationships.
Forgiveness starts with the small things.
We have to go back to the first hurt to keep from striking out with forgiveness with the big stuff.
Not knowing what's on your credit report is striking out of the finance game.
Each year you are entitled to a free credit report.
Get your credit report before you go shopping for a new car, home, or credit card.
Are you tired of striking out???
Your Financial Coach,
Renee Lawson
Recommended Resources:
FREE Video reveals one amazingly simple thing you can do to increase your credit score. Check out the video at
New Book Coming:
Tue, Oct 16, 2012
Budgeting, Credit Repair, Relationships, Renee Says