Stop Procrastinating

Mon, Jun 9, 2014

Blog, Motivation Monday

Stop Procrastinating

Today is Motivation Monday.

I wanted to talk about procrastinating.

Stop Procrastinating

Stop Procrastinating

The first thing we need to do is Stop Procrastinating!!!

You want to stop being denied credit yet you don't know your credit score.

Get a copy of your credit report today and Stop Procrastinating.

Go to  Knowing is half the battle.

Your credit may be just a few points away from you getting

approved for a home or car loan.

You keep saying that you need a budget.

However, you have no idea how much your monthly bills total.

Stop Procrastinating and write down all your bills with the due date.

Plan your spending according to your pay schedule.

You want to get a promotion at work.

To qualify for the position you need to have your degree.

You have two or three classes remaining to complete your goal.

Stop Procrastinating by telling yourself that you're to old to finish school.

You're not to old to finish.

Tomorrow may never come.

Stop Procrastinating about your dreams and goals.

You must live each day as if it were your last.

Stop Procrastinating before life passes you by.

Stop Procrastinating by living your life to its fullest.

Are you going to Stop Procrastinating???

Your Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson




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