Spring Cleaning Your Credit

Thu, Jun 2, 2011

Budgeting, Credit Repair, News, Renee Says

Spring is a time that we clean out our closets.

Spring is a time that we get our yards ready for summer.

Spring is a time that we need to get our credit together.

I read this article that I wanted to share that offers tips about spring cleaning your credit score.

"It's springtime. The chaos of the holidays is long gone, spring break is over, and summer hasn't arrived yet. Excuses are easy to come by when summer is in full-swing, so why not take advantage of this temporary lull and get your finances in order now? These six tips will help you get your finances organized and get your credit score cleaned up".

Source Yahoo Finance – Spring Cleaning for Your Credit Score

Step 1. Get a copy of your credit report

I totally agree with this action step.

You can get a copy every year at www.annualcreditreport.com.

You cannot start spring cleaning your credit without a copy of it.

Step 2. Assess Your Credit Card Debt.

Knowing how much you owe is very important. 

The article suggest that you write down your balance and interest rate for each credit card you have.

I would go a step futher and say you should write everything that you owe a balance including your car, mortgage, equity lines of credit, student loans.

Seeing it in black and white will help you come up with an effective plan to payoff debt.

By writing it down you can start on this step of spring cleaning your credit.

Step 3. Improve Your Interest Rate Situation

The article talks about applying for new credit or asking your creditor to lower your current interest rate.

I don't agree with this. 

Most people looking to spring clean their credit will probably not be in a position with their credit score to accomplish this.

My suggest to spring clean this area is to make an extra payment each month to lower the amount of interest you are paying.

Step 4.   Prioritize Your High Interest Debt

I agree with this step of paying off the credit card with the highest interest rate.

You must make sure that you pay all your bills on time while doing so.

Spring cleaning your credit in this step will take the longest.

When you move to the next account to payoff include the payment from the first card you paid off to accelerate your progress.

Step 5. Create a Bill Payment System

Noting your do dates for each bill you have with a calander (Outlook), bank online bill pay or just by pencil and paper is a great way to start this spring cleaning your credit step.

Remember that paying on time is 35% of your credit score.

Step 6. Start Budgeting

This is the hard part for most people.

They don't really want to know how much is incoming verse what is going out.

I agree with the article on this step.

If you are truly going to spring clean your credit you must have a budget in place.

Budgeting helps you see where you are.

It is not a punishment for what you can not do.

With a budget you are less likely to overspend.

Spring cleaning your credit takes some work.

Your have to be willing to go beyond this spring to clean up your total financial situation.

Are you going to spring clean your credit???

 Your financial coach,

Renee Lawson

Recommended Resources:

P.S. Did you know there's one amazingly simple thing you can do right now to increase your credit score?  My new video show your how FREE: www.totalprosperityclub.com.

New Book Coming:  www.sexliesandcredit.com


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