Single at Christmas

Thu, Dec 23, 2010

Just For Fun, Lifestyle, News, Renee Says


Being single during any holiday can cause feelings of loneliness, depression, and etc.

Especially during the Christmas holiday it becomes overwhelming with all the commercials, parties and family talking about relationships and you being single.

For me its a great time of year to celebrate the season.

I purchased a smaller tree than the one I had when I was in a relationship.   I decorated it with a few ornaments that reflect my personality.  I decorated the kitchen with Christmas rugs and towels.  My home feels warm and filled with love.

I use to think that I shouldn't decorate my home because no one would be there but me.  Me is enough for me now.   I am reason enough to express my personality. 

So Christmas Eve I will play whatever movie I want to watch.  Play some Christmas songs that I like.  I will wrap my families gifts and enjoy the night.  I will also put a few small gift for myself under the tree.

Whatever you would do with a mate do it with you. 

Stay away from movies, music and people that make you feel sad and lonely.  There are people out here in relationships that are lonely within the relationship that they have. 

Remember that you are not out in the madness trying to find the perfect gift.

So this Christmas work on the one relationship that you have and that is the one with you.

Happy Holidays

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Miss Rene'

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