Reality TV

Tue, Dec 28, 2010

Lifestyle, News, Renee Says

I have watched the Real Housewives of Atlanta, Basketball Wives, and a few others.

It got me to thinking.

What would people see in my life if a camera followed me around everyday.

Have you ever thought about that for your own life???

You see drinking in the middle of the day.

You see shopping and overspending.

You see broken relationships.

You see  gossip.

You see woman being messy.

You see people living above their means.

You see people working hard to move there career.

I think we stay tuned in to laugh at all the craziness.  Yet in reality some of what we see is very sad.  Positive things don't sell.  It's your mess that people want to see and talk about.  Sometimes it seems like a long Jerry Springer episode.  People don't get to know the real you by watching an edited version of your life.

Do people really live like this???


Maybe not to the extent that we see on t.v.  We don't get to see the whole picture of what happened.  Things are spliced for entertainment.  So it makes for lively conversations at the beauty salon.  "Did you see what happened last night?"

There are some things that I see that make me want to make sure that I stay focused on living within my budget.  It is painful a reminder what living beyond your means can do to your life. I don't take forgranted what I have.  Life can change for anyone at any given time.  Even when it happens on t.v.  They still face foreclosure and car repossessions just like regular people.

I am be no means perfect.  

I would not want to put my bad habits on display for a buck.  My life of foolish behavior would have made for great reality t.v series.  The things that we do in our craziness can effect people in many different ways.   

If camera's followed you around today what would they see???

To get a copy of my new book click  

  Miss Rene'

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