Quest for the Perfect Credit Score

Thu, Nov 18, 2010

Credit Repair, News, Renee Says

I recently read an article about the quest for the perfect credit score.

"As for what makes an 800-plus score, these self-made experts basically say the same thing FICO does: Payment history is the single most important factor".

FICO, the Minneapolis company that produces the scoring model, divulges the five factors that determine your magic number — your payment history, the amount you owe on credit lines and loans, the length of your credit history, how much new credit you've applied for, and the types of accounts you've had — plus what percentage of your score each factor represents".

Source Yahoo Finance – Quest for the Perfect Credit Score

You may never reach 850 credit score only 0.5% of Americans ever reach that goal. 

However, as you quest for the perfect credit score strive to have a good pay history  so that you can reach the 800 bench mark.

You will also need to have a variety of credit types in order to reach the quest of the perfect credit score. 

 800 credit score bench mark will entitle you to the lowest rates and save you thousands of dollars on any type of loan.   

Is it your quest to have the perfect credit score???

My new book will talk about reaching the 850 credit score.   

Your financial coach,

Renee Lawson

Recommended Resources:

FREE Video reveals one amazingly simple thing you can do to increase your credit score.  Check out the video at

New Book Coming:

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