
Mon, Sep 15, 2014

Blog, Motivation Monday, Renee Says

It's Motivation Monday!!!

I wanted to talk about having a plan.



As I have been working through the Spending Freeze Challenge I

realize that you need to have a plan for everything.

We need to have a plan on how we are going to save money each


This takes practice if you are not use to saving money.

Start with $5-25 per paycheck.

It will add up over time if you don't spend it.

A plan on how we spend our time during each day.

I'm guilty of this on some days just aimlessly browsing the internet.

So much time can pass by.

Time is something we can not get back if we waste it.

A life happens plan for emergencies.

My goal for a life happens plan is $1000 separate from my regular savings account.

This helps when the car breaks down or the furnace goes out.

We need a retirement plan.

Just getting to the point where you put in 30 years does not mean you are ready to retire.

A retirement plan is important because going from having a regular paycheck to getting money once a month requires

an adjustment to your spending.

A retirement plan means being close to or having paid off your home.

We need a plan to budget our money.

Knowing that every dollar has a purpose is so important.

Be willing to adjust your plan with going into panic mode.

Do you have a plan for your life???

Your Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson


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