No Worries

It's Motivation Monday!

No Worries

No Worries

Today is the last day of the year.I wanted to talk about no worries.

There are many issues that come up in life.

Many of which we have no control over.

Worrying can kill you.

There are some problems that are self inflicted.

However we need to learn to live with no worries.

We can achieve that by starting to look at our finances in a

different light.

No worries when you live by a budget.

Things will come up but you won't be blown away.

No worries when you decide to pay down your debt.

This will lead to being able to save more money.

No worries when you pay your bills on time.

This will stop the collection calls when bills are paid on time.

No worries when you start a life happens account.

Repairs come up when you own a house or a car.

Having money set aside for them will help you stay on your budget.

No worries when you go to purchase a big ticket item when you know what is on your credit score.

Take the time to look at your credit report at least once a year.

Will you live with no worries in 2014???

Your Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson


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