Memorial Day Budget Checklist

Wed, May 25, 2011

Budgeting, Just For Fun, News, Renee Says

1. Number of invited guests for Memorial Day or any gathering.

2. Let guest know you will be outside and they need their own lawn chairs.

3. Ask some guest to bring side items.  Be sure to let them know how many people you expect. So they can prepare accordingly.

4.Ask the men to break beverages.  Water, soda, and ice.

5. Ask some guest to bring desserts.

6. Ask guest to bring games that you can play outside.  Children need fresh air.

7. Look online or in the paper for sales on charcoal, paper goods, table cloths.

8. Do yard work or have yard work done by Friday.

9. Make list for the store.  Allot for people who you know will show up with out calling.

10. Substitute steaks for hamburger.  Also get beef and pork hot dogs to accommodate all guest.

10. Go shopping on Saturday.

12.  Send any guests with no side, desserts or beverages to the store when they come.

Most of all have fun being around your family and friends this summer.

Life is to short to stress out about your Memorial Day gathering.

Things will go wrong brush it off and keep it moving.

Most important thing to do is stay within your Memorial Day budget.

When I entertain I normally over buy.  Not wanting to run out.

Don't worry about it once you reach your Memorial Day Budget stop shopping.

Use your Memorial Day Budget Checklist.

Do you have your Memorial Day Budget Checklist???

Your financial coach,

Renee Lawson

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