Holiday Overspending

Mon, Dec 23, 2013

Budgeting, Renee Says

I was having a conversation with a cashier about her Christmas shopping.  holiday overspending

She informed me that there would be no shopping because she has rent that would be due with her next pay check.

As we talked she told me that one of her co-workers had gotten a $1000 holiday loan from her taxes.

The co-worker wanted to do some Christmas shopping in spite of the fact that the water was off in the home.

It got me to thinking about holiday overspending.

The best way to avoid holiday overspending is to teach your children the meaning of Christmas.

Jesus Christ birth is what we should be celebrating.  Jesus is the reason for the season.

Not going in debt for some gifts under the tree.

We can show love all year round not just one day.

Holiday Overspending is prevalent for many people causing them to be behind on their bills for December and January.

Many of these people think that holiday overspending can be bailed out by their income tax refund in January.

However, this year the IRS will start income tax season later than the normal January 15th start date.

Holiday overspending happens when you deviate from your shopping list.

This can be done by shopping for yourself.

Thinking that you can't pass up these deals.

I did this many times only to find myself short on my bills.

Having to take things back to the store.

Most people don't want to take things back to the store.

Not going with a list with a gift list for each person can cause holiday overspending.

Also by not  setting a limit of spending per person leaves you prone to holiday overspending.

Holiday overspending is done when you are trying to impress people.

Like the cashier we need to be honest with ourselves, family, and friends.

If you don't have it you just don't have it.

There is no sense in not being able to pay your rent or mortgage the next month.

Having a place to stay is much more important than having gifts just for one day.

You can show love to your family without going broke.

Holiday overspending happens when you buy too much for small children.

When children are under the age of 5 or 6 I believe that they really don't know what Christmas is all about.

Buying a couple of outfits, pajamas, under wear, and educational toys is all you need.

When you go all out for them at these young ages you are only doing it for you.

Know your limits.

You can avoid holiday overspending by starting a Christmas Club this coming January.

Remember it's not to late to take back gifts you can't afford.

It's okay to take things back today than have your lights cut off tomorrow.

Are you going to avoid holiday overspending???

Your Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson





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