Good Neighbor

Thu, Oct 13, 2011

Lifestyle, News, Renee Says

State Farm has the slogan "like a good neighbor State Farm is there"

I moved into a new neighborhood last spring.

I had never had a good neighbor like these.

I was greeted by neighbors Bob and Helen.

She baked me some homemade chocolate-chip cookies.

They are an example of a Good Neighbor.

Not only are they nice to me.

They are good neighbor to everyone on the street.

It's nice to have a good neighbor who looks out for you and your home.

A good neighbor will cut your grass or water your flowers when your out of town.

A good neighbor will get your mail while you're on vacation.

A good neighbor will get you some soup when you're sick.

A good neighbor offers help when the lights are out.

A good neighbor will help you shovel your snow.

A good neighbor will help you rake up your leaves.

A good neighbor will check on you if they haven't seen you.

A good neighbor may just have a kind word or smile.

Not everyone is a good neighbor.

Many people do not want to be a good neighbor.

But when you come across a good neighbor you should be kind, speak to them, and do something nice for them if you can.

I'm thankful to have a good neighbor.

It gives me the courage to be a good neighbor in return.

So I'm striving to be a good neighbor by having a smile or a kind word to those I come in contact with.

Your neighbor is just not the people that live by you. 

It's everyone that you come in contact with on a daily basis. 

It would be nice if each street had a good neighbor to be an example to the whole neighborhood.

What a better place we would live in if each person had a desire to be a good neighbor.

Are you a good neighbor???

 Your financial coach,

Renee Lawson

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