Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is a time of year the we see families giving thanks.
With all of the things that are
going on in the world we
should be giving thanks for
just being alive.
We take so many things
for granted.
With the recent hurricane we are all reminded that at anytime or place that all we
have can be gone in an instant.
We don't know the day or time when we will die.
So everyday we should be giving thanks.
There are wars going on around the world and we should be giving thanks when our
soldiers are able to come home.
We should be giving thanks that no bombs are going off in our country.
Giving thanks for our health however it is.
Giving thanks for a place to stay.
Giving thanks for clothes to wear.
Giving thanks for transportation.
Giving thanks for our family.
Giving thanks for having a job.
Giving thanks for unemployment benefits.
Giving thanks for univerisal health care.
Giving thanks for social security benefits.
Giving thanks for medicare benefits for the elderly and disabled.
Giving thanks when we are living by a budget.
Giving thanks for improving our credit score.
Giving thanks for being able to pay down our debt.
Giving thanks that we are free to worship our God.
Giving thanks for a democratic country.
Giving thanks for the ability to vote.
Giving thanks for the freedom of speech.
I'm giving thanks for all of the above.
I'm also giving thanks that my grandmother is 91 and still in good health.
I'm giving thanks that at this time in my life I can write this blog to imspire, challenge and educate my audience.
What are you giving thanks for this Thanksgiving???
Your Financial Coach,
Renee Lawson
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Thu, Nov 22, 2012
Budgeting, Credit Repair, Debt Reduction, Relationships, Renee Says