Friends of the opposite sex

Thu, Aug 12, 2010

News, Relationships, Renee Says

Most people don't believe men and women can just be friends. 

I mean friends without benefits.  

No sex involved.   

It got me to thinking about this whole concept. 

When you are friends with a man/woman and they are married or have a boyfriend/girlfriend they should be able to tell them that you are friends from the beginning of the relationship.  However, if they can't tell their mate that you are friends something is wrong.  Especially if you were friends before they met this person. 

They have different motives for your friendship. Don't believe that line about he/she won't understand.  It should not be a secret  if you hang out or talk from time to time because that's what friends do.  

Some of my best friends have been men.  They always told me if you are dating someone and you tell them we are friends they won't believe you. 

They were right!!!

I cherished my friendships because I could just be me.   I didn't have the be the perfect chic.  True friends know everything about you and still love you anyway. 

It is good to get an opinion from a different view point.   Not just your girls or your boys. 

Are you really friends???

Miss Rene'

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