Today I was texting with a friend and I shared that I changed up my hair style.
He said that I was going through a fresh start.
It got me to thinking about how in this life you need a fresh start to give you a boost to move forward.
What comes to mind are a few things that may give you a fresh start:
Covering up the tattoo of your ex's name or altering it where it doesn't keep you tied to your past can be your fresh start.
Cutting up your credit cards and deciding today that you're going to get out of debt is your fresh start.
Planning out our meal list each week is a chance for a fresh start with part of your budget.
Stop avoiding filing for bankruptcy when you have no other options is giving your life a fresh start.
Packing away your ex's things that you have been holding on to can free you to have a fresh start in a new relationship.
Down sizing to a more affordable car or home can give you a fresh start.
These are only few examples of ways that you can have a fresh start.
A fresh start can give you the courage to look for a new job or start a business.
A fresh start will help you leave heavy baggage behind.
A fresh start means choosing to leave by a budget.
A fresh start means learning to love yourself.
A fresh start is deciding not to spend every dime you get.
A fresh start means opening a new account and not having overdraft fees.
A fresh start is after bankruptcy is paying your bills on time.
A fresh start is making hair gray go away.
A fresh start is shedding a few pounds to get in shape.
Whatever it is for you embrace the idea of a fresh start.
Do you need a fresh start???
Your Financial Coach,
Renee Lawson
Mon, Sep 10, 2012
Budgeting, Credit Repair, Debt Reduction, Lifestyle, Relationships, Renee Says