

I recently cut off all my hair and went with a natural style.

I have never felt so free in my life.

I'm free from going to the salon each week.

I'm free to save money for a new car.

I'm free to put more money into my life happens plan.

I'm free to use that time to write this blog.

I'm free to come up with a new helpful product.

I'm free to just be me.

The best me I can be is free in all areas of my life.

It got me to thinking about other ways in life that we can become free.

When we live by a budget we become free from living paycheck to paycheck.

Budgeting gets you to be free from overdraft fees.

A mindset change about your budget will free you from shopping until you have spent all you have.

When we are free from debt we don't have to worry about how we are going to pay off a mountain of credit card debt.

When we are free from debt you won't dread answering the phone for fear of creditors calling.

Being debt free can start today with a choice to change your money habits.

When we are free we can save in our life happens account.

When you are free financially you can plan for your future.

When you are free financially you can plan and take a vacation without breaking the bank.

When you are free financially you take some of the stress out of your relationships.

In a marriage it takes compromises from each spouse to be free financially.

You have to be free to communicate with each other about your goals and expectations in order to obtain financial freedom.

Being free financially can help you move to the lifestyle that you want to live.

Being free from debt, bad credit, and living by a budget should be our ultimate goal.

Being free financially will help you make your dreams come true.

Are you ready to be free???

Your Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson

Recommended Resources:

FREE Video reveals one amazingly simple thing you can do to increase your credit score. Check out the video at

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