Financial Disorder
There are many disorders that effect millions of people everyday.
"Certain daily habits we take for granted may actually be symptomatic of serious financial conditions.
From working extra long hours to an affinity for all-things frugal, here are three financial disorders and their
tell-tale signs."
Source – Yahoo Finance Signs You Suffer From a Financial Disorder
First sign of a financial disorder is that of a workaholic.
Working 50 or more hours a week with the need to stay busy.
Our society encourages us to work long hours.
The article suggests that you put your smart phone away when you spend time with family and friends.
The second sign of a financial disorder is that of a compulsive saver.
"Over-savers may have experienced scarcity, abandonment or betrayal as kids."
Compulsive savers won't spend even when they have disposable income.
This financial disorder can cause you not to spend money on things that you need.
The third sign of a financial disorder is a shopaholic or shopaholism.
I've suffered from this financial disorder.
Thinking that shop would take my mind off my problems. It only made things worst.
I've also been where I didn't want to spend any money on myself because I was afraid to go back to my old spending habits.
"Roughly one in 10 adults suffers from severe overspending, according to a new study in the Journal of Economic
Many people go from being a shopaholic to an over saver or vise versa not wanting to repeat the habit.
A financial disorder can be triggered by a life event.
Financial disorder can wreak havoc on your life.
You should seek help if you suffer from one of these financial disorders.
Do you suffer from a financial disorder???
Your Financial Coach,
Renee Lawson
Tue, Nov 12, 2013
Lifestyle, Renee Says