
Fri, Dec 31, 2010

Lifestyle, News, Renee Says


The reality is that we have picked up habits and behaviors since our birth. 

Some of these habits and behaviors have been to our good.  Others have caused great chaos in our lives.

I was working with a client today.  For the past eighteen months we have been working to get them to change their mind about how they spend money and the value of saving for a rainy day.  For the past four months their income has changed and their funds have been limited.

Much to my surprise as I looked at their personal bank statements they had gone back to what was familiar to them.  They had reverted back to spending money they way they did when they first came to us.  The strain pushed them back to what they knew to do.  The new habits went out the window and the old came back in.

It got me to thinking about my own life. 

Why do we go back to the familiar???

When times get tough.

When are income increases.

Loneliness creeps in our life.

Or whatever demon is hiding in our closet comes out.

When life's circumstances change we revert back to what is familiar. 

I have gone back to old relationships because I was familiar with that person.  I was scared to start over again.  I did not want to be by myself.  The relationship the second time around was much worst and caused more chaos in my life. 

The same was true about my finances after I filed for  chapter 7bankruptcy.  Not having credit.  My finances not being the same.  I found myself still thinking the same way.  Here I am at ground zero.  I can stay here or do something different.  I had to take a look at where I was going.  I was determined not to put myself back in that situation.  No matter what my credit score becomes I would limit the amount of debt I can put myself in.

I made up in my mind that no matter what I was not going back to a broken relationship.  The most important relationships that I needed to work on was the one with God and myself. 

I look at the unfamilar as an adventure whether it is starting a new relationship or my finances.  Going back to the familiar relationships and old ways of viewing money and credit only causes chaos my life.

Do you revert back the familiar when life happens???

To get a copy of my new book click www.sexliesandcredit.com.

Miss Rene'

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