Election Day

Tue, Nov 8, 2011

Lifestyle, News, Renee Says

Election Day

Election Day 2011 has arrived. Election Day

It's always cold and raining in Ohio.

Many people do not vote on the non-Presidential election day.

My challenge to you today is to get out an vote on this election day.

There are many important issues on the ballot in your community.

In order for issues to pass they need to have a majority vote.

So EVERY VOTE does count on election day.

You have no right to complain about the decisions made if you don't get out on election day.

Make sure you have read the issues so that you're not confused when you get to the polls this election day.

Many people died so that everyone would have a right to vote.

Exercise your right to vote on this election day.

Whether you are Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, or Independent election day is for everyone.

Call your area board of elections to find out where your polling station is located.

Some polling locations may have been moved for this election day.

Also ask what time the polls close on this election day.

This election day volunteer to drive your neighbors to the polls.

Get out early on this election day to make sure you have plenty of time to vote.

You need to have a valid State I.D. or drivers license when you get to the polls for election day.

Congratulations if you decided to avoid this election day and voted early.

Many areas of the country are trying to eliminate early voting.

Early voting cuts down on the crowds for election day.

Many seniors take advantage of this process to avoid the lines on election day.

I got my sticker "I Voted Today."

What will you do on this election day????

Your financial coach,

Renee Lawson

Recommended Resources:

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