It's Motivation Monday.
I was recently talking to a client.
They informed me that their spouse didn't pay their gas bill.
So they have no hot water , heat and they unable to cook with the gas stove.
It got me to thinking about choices.
Those choices include paying your bills on time, saving money, and even having bad
You have a choice to be pay utility bills late and possibly get your service disconnected.
No electric, gas or water should not be an option.
You always have a choice to make arrangements.
But you have to put pride to the side and make the call.
One key to stop having bad credit is making the choice not to incur any more debt.
The choices you make with how you manage your money can effect you for a long period
of time.
These choices can cause you to pay high interest rates or even be denied credit.
If you are tired of living paycheck to paycheck there are some tough choices you are
going to need to make.
You can choose to look at the big picture before you start spending or you can be broke by Monday.
The choice is yours on whether or not you want to stop being broke all the time.
Try taking your lunch to work several days out of the week.
This will give you an instant increase in available cash.
We have to make choices that eliminate debt.
Those choices can help us to see the light of day much faster.
It won't hurt you to go without NFL Sunday Ticket.
There are quite a few places that offer the games.
Or you and your friends can share the cost of being able to watch your favorite teams.
The choice is yours not to pay for cable on every television in the house.
These are just a few choices that we can make to save money.
What types of choices are you making with your finances???
Your Financial Coach,
Renee Lawson
Mon, Sep 29, 2014
Motivation Monday, Renee Says