When was the last time that you looked closely at your cellphone bill??
Each carrier has their most popular plan.
Is that plan right for you is the question??
I am always looking for ways that my clients can save money.
Continue reading...23. November 2010
The day after Thanksgiving sale is Black Friday.
I have been noticing a lot of companies have been offering early sales that reflect Black Friday prices. These companies play on your mind with their marketing. Your sense of needing to spend money. The rush from being out in the large crowd. The great deal your going to miss out on if you don't get to the sale.
Continue reading...28. October 2010
I have recently been working on cleaning up my email. It has taken me several days to unsubscribe to all the companies that have my email address.
It was shocking how many I had signed up with over the years.
Read more on Online Ads Emailed…
Continue reading...7. September 2010
When your growing up you can't wait to be grown and on your own.
Often we move out when we are not ready to take on all the financial responsibilities that come with being an adult.
Read more on Adult Dependent Children…
Continue reading...24. August 2010
I was reading an article on MSN.com.
It was talking about ways to save money.
I'm all for creative ways for you to save money like at the grocery store.
Shop with a plan: Before you head to a supermarket, take 10 minutes to map out your meals for the week.
Read more on Shop With A Plan…
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24. November 2010