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Piggy Bank Update #2

16. December 2010


I had saved $260.00 from putting money away from making my smoothies.  

I decided to use the money.   I recently bought a plane ticket to visit my family for the holidays. 

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6. December 2010


I recently moved into a new neighborhood 8 months ago.  I noticed something interesting with the families that live here.  Most of the people who have children move by the elementary school.  They live in that home until their children are ready to go to high school.  They sell their current home and opt for an upgrade of more space with bedrooms, baths or yard size.   You could gain equity in the property and have money to upgrade when your children are older and need more space. 

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Christmas Shopping Solutions

2. December 2010


Do a have a solution do make your Christmas memorable without going into a lot of debt??

I have the solution for you. 

Do remember the LAYAWAY?  Where you can put a down payment on items and pay on them for up to eight weeks.  You have to make your payments every two weeks. 

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Personal Grooming

30. November 2010


I am one of those people who loves to go to the salon to get my hair done.  I would get my nails done every two weeks.  I would get my feet done every 4 weeks.   Most of my clothes go to the dry cleaners.  I had to make changes in my own life to live within my budget.  So I went natural with my nails.  I go every 8-10 weeks for a pedicure.  I do my hands and feet at home to maintain.  I also cut back on how often I get my eye brows waxed.  Instead of every two weeks I opted for every six weeks.  I just clean up the brow area with the tweezers.

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Debit Card Use

29. November 2010


On July  1, 2010 the banking industry made changes to the use of debit cards.

Customers were given a choice to allow the bank to charge overdrafts when funds are not available in their account when using their debt card.  The other option was to opt out of being charged overdraft charges when using their debt card.  The transaction would be denied just like a credit card.

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