I have been doing some soul searching about the results of things that are presently going on in my life.
I've been exercising for the past few months.
Twice a week I go to boxing class.
Continue reading...5. May 2011
The month of April was not good for my piggy bank.
I saved $125.00 in the piggy bank.
But my Betsy broke down twice so I had to take money to fix her.
Read more on Piggy Bank April 2011…
Continue reading...4. May 2011
Struggling to save is common to many people.
It has been for me for years.
When I was a little girl it was no problem.
I would save my money, candy (nowlaters, jolly rancher sticks reese cup, soda (sprite) , and honey buns.
Read more on Struggling To Save…
Continue reading...30. April 2011
One of the many items that people leave off of their budget is life insurance.
Life insurance will help keep your family from experiencing hardship when you die.
Purchasing life insurance can be relatively inexpensive.
Continue reading...28. April 2011
Now is the time of the year to get out in the yard.
But before you do, you need a outdoor budget!
You may want to get some sod to replace your tired grass.
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12. May 2011