The last day or the first day of the month is Moving Day for many.
As I was out walking today I saw a few Uhaul trucks in my neighborhood.
It got me to thinking about MOVING DAY!!!
Continue reading...30. June 2011
I came across this article about people who had found extreme ways to pinch pennies.
The article features 13 different people who are Extreme Penny Pincher's.
The common denominator that they all share is something in their lives pushed them to find ways to save.
I will give two thumbs up to these extreme penny pincher's for being creative to save money in their every day lives.
Some of these extreme penny pincher's ideas are interesting enough to try.
Read more on Extreme Penny Pincher's…
Continue reading...29. June 2011
I went to a coaching retreat this past weekend.
What I love about going is the Motivation that you get while you are there.
There are days that I don't want to write or record videos.
Continue reading...2. June 2011
Spring is a time that we clean out our closets.
Spring is a time that we get our yards ready for summer.
Spring is a time that we need to get our credit together.
Read more on Spring Cleaning Your Credit…
Continue reading...1. June 2011
My word for this year is FIT!!!
My business coach asked us to come up with a word or three words that describe where we wanted to be this year.
So I chose the word fit!!!
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1. July 2011