I want to continue my conversation on home ownership.
Before the mortgage melt down many people were able to purchase a home using FHA (Federal Housing Association) loans without a down payment.
Read more on Home Financing With No Down Payment…
Continue reading...23. September 2011
Fall has arrived.
It's time for Fall Activities for the Piggy Bank!
It seems that the summer was very short.
There are some activities that you can pay yourself.
These payments can go in your Fall Activities for the Piggy Bank.
Read more on Fall Activities for the Piggy Bank…
Continue reading...22. September 2011
As we enter into the fall of 2011 if got me to thinking about the Seasons of Life.
I reread the poem by Brian Chalker A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime
Continue reading...5. September 2011
Labor Day
Labor day is celebrated as the end of summer.
Many women stop wearing white after Labor Day.
Labor Day is also the beginning of college football and NFL season.
I have another way to celebrate Labor Day.
Continue reading...2. September 2011
Paying Off Credit Card Debt can seem like climbing Mt. Everest.
The more you try to pay off your debt the top of the debit mountain seems so far away.
Experts offer many different ways to tackle this task.
Read more on Paying Off Credit Card Debt…
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4. October 2011