After I enjoyed being with my family for Thanksgiving I decided to go by some of the places offering Black Friday door busters.
What I saw shocked me. I cannot imagine standing out in the cold and the rain for a sale. I thought people had Black Friday Insanity. I video taped some of this Black Friday Insanity.
Toy R Us was the first place that I went to it opened at 10 pm Thanksgiving to start Black Friday. They also had another Black Friday promotion start at 5am. The front of the building was barricaded by shopping carts. The line wrapped around the building. They only let 50 people in at a time to control the crowd. Some people were not prepared for the weather. They were just being poured on by the rain. The wind was blowing and the temperature steady falling.
The first person in line was a woman who had been there since 1am on Thursday morning. She missed out being with her family all for some gifts. This is a case of Black Friday Insanity. I had several questions go through my mind as I watched this unfold. Where do you go to the bathroom? Do you lose your place in line if you do? How do you get something to eat?
I went by Best Buy next. They opened at 4 am for Black Friday. Several people in line where under tents. I saw a few seating on the ground under plastic. Can you get hemorrhoids from seating on concrete?? The line had not gotten long yet is early in the evening.
The next place was Target. They opened at 4 am for Black Friday. This store was barricaded in the front with carts as well. I saw people seating under the entrance for shelter from the rain. I watched I saw people setting up a tent. Others seating in lawn chairs with umbrellas. The line was starting to form at a snails pace. All for Black Friday door busters ex. $3 toaster.
Why don't we stand in line for things that really matter. You don't see people standing out in the rain and cold for the church doors to open, volunteering at the homeless shelter, or reading at a school. I could go on about the things that are more important than gifts.
Yet we are willing to brave the elements to spend money. To go in debt for some gifts. We buy gifts that children tear up the first day or things that they don't even play with.
Some of us may even think that with tax season coming we can bail ourselves out with a Rapid Anticipation Loan on a tax refund. The days of one day loans are about over. Going in to debt on Black Friday and thinking you can bail yourself out later is insanity.
Is Black Friday really worth losing your sanity???
Is Black Friday worth going in credit card debt??
Is Black Friday worth being late on your bills??
Is Black Friday worth getting collection calls??
Enjoying my family and being thankful that I am not: living out doors, hungry, mentally ill, drug addict, alcoholic, sex addict, shopaholic, or many other things is worth more to me than any sale will ever be. I once was driven by the sale. I received a rush being out in the crowded mall. I realize now that being out in the cold, rain, sleet, or snow is Black Friday Insanity.
When will you break your Black Friday Insanity??
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Miss Rene'