Want or Need
I was having a conversation with one of my clients recently.
We were talking about Thanksgiving spending for the big meal.
With the majority of the meal already in hand.
Continue reading...26. November 2012
Tricks For A Fabulous Workday
The way you start you day makes all the difference in the world!!!
I was reading an article about tricks for a
Read more on Tricks for a Fabulous Workday…
Continue reading...22. November 2012
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is a time of year the we see families giving thanks.
With all of the things that are
Continue reading...20. November 2012
Black Friday Workers
Christmas shopping season is now upon us.
With the comes the start of holiday shopping with Black Friday.
I recently came across this article talking about those who have to work on Black Friday.
Read more on Black Friday Workers…
Continue reading...15. November 2012
At this time of the year we see new construction on homes and road rebuilding taking place.
They are trying to get the frames and roofs on so that they can move to the inside when the weather turns cold.
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27. November 2012