Trick or Treat
As a child I remember going to Trick or Treat for Halloween.
We would say trick or treat; smell my feet give me something good to eat.
As Halloween has been approaching it got me to thinking about how we play trick or treat with our budget, credit, debt, savings, retirement, and life happens fund.
Continue reading...29. October 2011
When Love Comes Along
In February I wrote a blog about being Ready for Love.
I was singing the song by India Aire of the same title on my youtube video.
Read more on When Love Comes Along…
Continue reading...26. October 2011
I wanted to continue talking about dating.
There are times that we as women pick the wrong men.
We are looking with are eyes wide shut.
We keep listening to that eternal clock instead of our brain.
Continue reading...25. October 2011
Dating is very different in this present age of online dating sites and social media to meet new people.
I think that it is great for people to meet this way.
Continue reading...21. October 2011
Quite often in life we go through situations that cause us to do some soul searching.
After my break up two years ago I thought that it was about getting over the relationship.
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31. October 2011