Archive | July, 2011

5 Ways To Ruin Your Credit

11. July 2011


When you are starting out on your own is like a new adventure.

Many young adults are not taught to manage their finances and credit before going out on their own.

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3 Credit Myths Debunked

7. July 2011


Your attitude toward your finances and credit can lead you down a path of destruction.

Many people do not realize that their credit and financial situation go hand in hand.

The article that I reference below goes into detail about having the wrong perception of your credit and finances can leave you in ruins.

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I Smile

5. July 2011


I was recently working on what I want my legacy.

Part of that legacy is to be a women who always has a warm smile on her face.

Frowning takes so much effort.

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Free To

4. July 2011


Happy Independence Day!!!


My coach was talking about gaining freedom.  We talk about being free from something.  Freedom has another side.  He made the point that freedom means we can be free to change any area of our lives.

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Moving Day

1. July 2011


The last day or the first day of the month is Moving Day for many.

As I was out walking today I saw a few Uhaul trucks in my neighborhood.

It got me to thinking about MOVING DAY!!!

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