Archive | November, 2010

Writing on the wall

23. November 2010


Many times the writing is on the wall when it comes to meeting someone new.

After a few dates the real person starts to come out the shell.  The facade starts to wear off. 

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Co-signer's Credit

22. November 2010


Credit has evolved over the years.   Before there was a  credit report stores granted credit from your references.  They would call your references to verify that you were reliable person.  Someone who would pay bills on time.

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18. November 2010


Excuses are the lies we tell ourselves.   The reasons we give don't add up to the truth.

Excuses are as common in life as taking a breathe. 

For years my excuse has been that I am not a morning person.   That has been my reason for being late everywhere I go. 

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Quest for the Perfect Credit Score

18. November 2010

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I recently read an article about the quest for the perfect credit score.

"As for what makes an 800-plus score, these self-made experts basically say the same thing FICO does: Payment history is the single most important factor".

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Credit Repair Course Sneak Peak II

16. November 2010


When you are restoring your credit you need to pay down your debt. 

Apart of restoring credit is learning how and when to use your credit . 

It doesn't make since to restore the credit when you do not have control over the use of your credit cards.

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