Archive | July, 2010

Cook Your Own Meals

29. July 2010


I was reading an article on it had 40 ways to save money.  They had some interesting tips on how to save.

One of those was: Cook your own meals: It's easy to order in or go out to eat.  Trouble is, the restaurant habit is a real budget buster.

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Cable or Satellite TV

29. July 2010


Directv has a commerical about having a 140 movie channels. 

As I watched it got me to thinking about going to a seminar last summer. 

The instructor was asking people how many televisions do you have in your home.  One woman said she had a flat screen in every room.  I can't imagine having that many tv's in my home, but it does bring me to think of how many movies can I watch at a time. 

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Piggy Bank

27. July 2010

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I love a smoothie from Ben and Jerry's Life's a Beach $4.79 per drink. 

You may have a thing for McDonald's smoothie/parfait, Star Bucks coffee, or something from the health food store.   These items can cost any where from $3-$8 dollars each time you purchase one. 

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Reading is Fundamental

27. July 2010


I've been really tried lately.  I've been taking blood pressure meds for over a two year period.  I never read the side effects.  One of the effects is tiredness.  Now I can take action and go see my doctor. 

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Credit Dilemma

21. July 2010

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I was reading an article published by the Associated Press.  The headline read "More Americans' credit scores sink to new lows."  The statics  ( stated that about 25.5% of Americans' have credit below 599.  That is now considered bad credit. Simply stated the changes in lending practices do not allow people with bad credit to obtain any credit at all.  The countries lending practices went from being to loose too being to tight.   It hurts the ecomomy, when people cannot obtain credit.  This can be very disturbing news if you are one of 43.4 million people who fall into this category.  Do not despair.  You can turn your bad credit into great credit.    Many people are in denial about their overall credit situation.  Are you in a credit dilemma??

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